Hey there! Are you excited about the new iPhone? We’re talking about the iPhone 16 today. There’s a lot of buzz about it, but not everything you hear is true. Let’s look at what’s real and what’s just make-believe. 

We’ll explore all the cool stuff we might see in this new phone!

When Can We Buy the iPhone 16?

Apple likes to stick to a schedule. They usually show off new iPhones in September. So, we think the iPhone 16 will come out in September 2024. That’s not too far away!

Why September? Well, it’s a smart time for Apple. Kids are going back to school, and people start thinking about holiday shopping. It’s the perfect time to get everyone excited about a new phone!

Myths About the iPhone 16

Let’s talk about some of the crazy ideas people have about the iPhone 16. Remember, these are probably not true!

Myth 1: It Will Fold

Some people think the iPhone 16 will fold in half. But that’s probably not true. Apple likes to make sure things work really well before they use them. Folding phones are still new and have some problems. They can be fragile and expensive. Apple will likely wait until this technology is better before using it.

Myth 2: The Camera Will Be Hidden

There’s a rumor that the camera will be under the screen. This means you wouldn’t see it. But this is hard to do, and Apple might not be ready for it yet. Cameras under screens often don’t take very good pictures. Apple cares a lot about photo quality, so they probably won’t use this until it’s perfect.

Myth 3: It Will Have Holograms

Wouldn’t it be cool if your phone could show 3D images in the air? Sadly, this is just a dream for now. The iPhone 16 won’t have holograms. This kind of technology is still far in the future. For now, we’ll have to be happy with the great screens iPhones already have.

What Will the iPhone 16 Look Like?

The Design

The iPhone 16 will probably look a lot like the iPhones we have now. It might be a bit sleeker, but don’t expect big changes. Apple usually keeps a similar design for a few years. They might use new materials to make it stronger or lighter. The edges could be a bit more rounded or flat, depending on what Apple thinks looks best.

The Screen

The top models might have bigger screens. The iPhone 16 Pro could have a 6.27-inch screen. The iPhone 16 Pro Max might have an even bigger 6.85-inch screen. Bigger screens are great for watching videos, playing games, or getting work done. But don’t worry if you like smaller phones. Apple usually makes different sizes to make everyone happy.


Apple likes to offer fun colors. We might see new shades for the iPhone 16. Maybe a new kind of blue or green? Or a fancy gold color? Apple often keeps some classic colors like black and white, but adds a few exciting new ones each year.

Cool New Features

The A18 Chip

This is the brain of the iPhone. It will make the phone faster and better at doing hard tasks. With the A18 chip, your games might look even more real. Your photos could be edited faster. And your phone might use less battery while doing more things. It’s like giving your phone a super-smart brain!

Apple Intelligence

This means the phone will be smarter. It might understand what you want to do before you even ask! For example, it could suggest the perfect playlist for your mood. Or it might help you write messages faster by guessing what you want to say next. Apple Intelligence could make your phone feel like it really knows you.

The Capture Button

This is a new button on the side of the phone. It will help you take pictures faster and easier. You might be able to press it to open the camera app right away. Some people think you’ll be able to slide your finger on it to zoom in and out. This could make taking photos and videos much more fun!

Better Cameras

iPhones are famous for having great cameras. The iPhone 16 might make them even better!

Wide-Angle Camera

The iPhone 16 might have a 48-megapixel wide-angle camera. This means you can take really clear pictures of big scenes. Imagine taking a photo of a beautiful landscape and being able to see every little detail. Or taking a group photo where everyone looks sharp and clear.

Zoom Camera

The top models might have a special zoom lens. You’ll be able to take clear pictures of things far away. This could be great for sports events or concerts. You might be able to zoom in on a bird in a tree and see all its feathers clearly!

Night Mode

iPhones already take good pictures at night, but the iPhone 16 might be even better. You might be able to take clear photos of the stars or capture the beauty of a city at night without any blurriness.

Video Improvements

The iPhone 16 might take even better videos. They could be clearer and smoother. Maybe you’ll be able to add cool effects right while you’re filming. This could make your home movies look like they were made by a pro!

New Software

iOS 18

This is the new system that runs the phone. It will have new tricks to make your phone easier to use. Maybe it will have a new way to organize your apps. Or it could have better ways to keep your information private. iOS 18 might also make it easier to use your iPhone with other Apple devices, like your computer or watch.

How Much Will It Cost?

We don’t know for sure, but we can guess:

  • The basic iPhone 16 might cost around $799 or $899.
  • The Pro models will cost more, maybe starting at $999.
  • If you want more storage space, it will cost extra.

Remember, these are just guesses. Apple might surprise us with the prices when they announce the phone.

What Else Might Be New?

Better Battery Life

Everyone wants their phone to last longer. The iPhone 16 might have a bigger battery or use power more efficiently. Imagine not having to charge your phone for two whole days!

Faster Charging

Apple might make the iPhone 16 charge up quicker. This could be great when you’re in a hurry and need to give your phone a quick boost.

Improved Face ID

Face ID helps keep your phone secure. The iPhone 16 might make it work faster or even let it work when your phone is sideways.

Better Speakers

The iPhone 16 could have improved speakers. This would make watching videos or listening to music without headphones even better.


The iPhone 16 sounds pretty cool, right? It won’t be totally different from what we have now, but it will be better in many ways. We’ll have to wait until September 2024 to know for sure. Until then, we can dream about all the fun things we might be able to do with it!

Remember, some of this might change before the phone comes out. But it’s fun to think about what might be coming. Are you excited about the iPhone 16? What feature do you hope it will have?

Maybe you want a camera that can see in the dark. Or a battery that lasts for days. Or maybe you just want it to be a little bit faster and smoother than your current phone. Whatever you’re hoping for, the iPhone 16 is sure to bring some exciting new features.

As we wait for more news about the iPhone 16. Do you take lots of pictures? Play games? Use it for work? The new features might make these things even better.

So, mark your calendars for September 2024. That’s when we’ll likely see Tim Cook on stage, showing off the shiny new iPhone 16. Until then, keep dreaming big about what your next phone might be able to do!